A New Hope for CF! (Planetary Biosciences Review – Jan 2018)

To brighten this post up, I will review the exciting supplements Indrepta and TauriNAC using Star Wars parlance…
I’m a 46 year old CFer with my original lungs, living in London, England. Following a virus in November last year, the Phantom Menace of mucous was giving me a hard time and I would often wake up my wife and son with my ‘middle-of-the-night’ desperate coughing!
I started Indrepta B and TauriNAC following a tip off from Jeanne at CysticFibrosis.com. I chose to build up slowly on both of these therapeutic supplements and did feel the ‘purge’ as mucous was brought up from parts of my lungs which were usually untouchable – the Force Awakens!
In England, the NHS won’t finance the drug Orkambi (by Vertex) for me so I needed to Strike Back against the CF Empire with something new – not to just help me physically but also to give me HOPE.
As these supplements from Planetary Biosciences contain CFTR correctors and potentiators (as well as a load of other good compounds), it makes sense that they will be helpful to the majority of people with CF.
It did make me feel a bit ‘junky’ with each higher dose and I became a bit constipated but it was nothing us Jedi CF Warriors cannot handle. Similar to many drugs to help us, we are all so different with strange mutations, so Indrepta and TariNAC will help us all in different ways. I’m sure the younger you are, the more beneficial they will be.
The Jedi in me has returned – I have less mucous to cough up (Attacking the Clones), especially at night (I have not woken my family in over a month) and in the mornings where I would historically sound like a cement mixer (Revenge of the Sith). Due to coughing less, I’m able to do my day job better as a communicator and promote my CF story easier (with less coughing fits) when public speaking. I have also gained some weight, been keeping up my running in the gym and have stopped all my oral anti-biotics!
It has been a good first month on these wonderful supplements and David White, Nell Burch and Jim Caldwell at Planetary Biosciences (who have close ties to CF and want it cured just as much as us sufferers) are doing a fantastic support job!
I encourage all people with CF to give this New Hope a chance…
Don’t delay, find out more today – at the Planetary Biosciences website
Best wishes
Tim Wotton
London, England