Cystic Fibrosis diet: Recipe Contest! Win one of 4 x $50 Gift Cards
The Cystic Fibrosis Diet Recipe Contest is open again!
Enter a recipe that forms part of your Cystic Fibrosis Diet by 31 May 2017, to stand a chance to receive one of 4 $50.00 Amazon gift cards. Your recipe can include ANY of the following category ideas:
- Recipes for weight gain
- Smoothies! (Natural ingredients or with supplements)
- A recipe for the fussy CF eater/no appetite
- Toddler friendly
- Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes friendly e.g. lower in refined carbs, more slow releasing energy. Especially looking for CFRD breakfast ideas
- Anti-inflammatory recipes (read our post about anti-inflammatory foods here)
- Allergy friendly e.g. dairy free, nut free, or gluten free
- Probiotics/Prebiotic recipes (1 winner already awarded, see the winning recipe here and read some articles about Probiotics and Full fat fermented foods
- Salty snacks for hot days
- Or: Make up your own category
Please submit a photo or video of the final dish and a few step-by-step photos if required. Include a written description of the ingredients and how to make it. We’re also interested in why you like it and how you believe it helps your health.
- Contest deadline for submissions is 31 May 2017, but we may publish recipes and award gift cards during the duration of May 2017
- Entries should be emailed to with the subject CF Recipe Contest. Please include your forum username or name you would like us to publish, as a selection of recipes will be posted on and on our Facebook page.
- Your recipe can be original to you/your family OR a personal variation on a published recipe. If your recipe is based off someone else’s, please give credit to the original work via a link or the cookbook’s title and author.
- You can enter as many recipes as you wish
What is a Cystic Fibrosis diet?
Cystic Fibrosis affects the lungs but it also greatly affects the digestive system. In Cystic Fibrosis, the pancreas is not able to deliver enzymes needed for proper digestion due to thick mucus clogging the pancreatic ducts. When the digestive system is not able to receive the enzymes needed to digest food, it can result in a failure to gain weight and thrive. In addition to weight loss, it can also lead to malnutrition and other complications because the body does not absorb fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K properly. In both children and adults with CF, malnutrition is linked to poorer general health, more severe lung disease and shorter life expectancy.
A good Cystic Fibrosis diet is recommended to keep you healthy. Some considerations:
- 80%-90% of people with CF require enzymes with their meals to help with digestion
- People with CF typically need 1.5 to 2 times more calories than healthy people, as their bodies have higher energy demands due to many reasons, e.g. coughing and infections
- The diet needs to be rich in protein and fat
- Meals should be suited to the preferences of the patient who may have no appetite to eat
- Many people with CF develop Cystic Fibrosis Related Diabetes, which means they will be more cautious about food that raise blood sugar
- People with CF lose a lot of salt through their sweat and they can become dehydrated quickly, so they may need to replenish salt, especially on warm days
- While junk food meets the criteria of high calorie, high fat, high protein and high sodium, some people with CF prefer to eat food that are less processed and may be interested in anti-inflammatory foods, juices or smoothies